TSU is hosting the international scientific-practical conference Intellectual Rights: Challenges of the 21st Century, where lawyers specializing in copyright protection, domain disputes, patenting, and other areas of intellectual property law take part. Features of the judicial practice in this area will be presented by attorneys from 10 countries, in particular, from Italy, India, the USA, Great Britain, and Finland.
- We consider this not just a scientific event, but an important stage in the formation, at the TSU Institute of Law, of a world-class research and educational center that will address intellectual rights and intellectual property, because innovative development is inseparable from legal support, including legal protection of innovators themselves, - said Vladimir Utkin, the director of Institute of Law.
Presentations at the plenary session were made by Elena Borisenko and Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chair of the Board of Management, Gazprombank JSC, Igor Drozdov, the chair of the Board of the Skolkovo Foundation, Yuri Zubov, Deputy Head of Rospatent, and other experts. They raised issues of protecting copyright ideas and the participation of AI in the creation of works, and discussed existing legal acts in this area.
- Tomsk has an innovative environment, and they want to do a lot of things and are doing it, so ideas turn into a product or into a concept, then a prototype, product, and utility. This path always starts with the idea <...>, but without proper design and institutionalization of this path, a normal knowledge economy is impossible, therefore, intellectual law becomes a very important and difficult area, which helps to accelerate the generation of ideas, their monetization, and creation of utility, - noted Dmitry Zauers, TSU graduate, deputy Chair of the Board of Gazprombank JSC.
A vivid example of the protection of the intellectual property is the debate about the idea of creating the social network Facebook. Dmitry Zauers emphasized that intellectual property requires documentation, although it does not always solve all problems because ideas are not a material thing and it is difficult to prove who invented it, when, by what means it was implemented. Therefore, given the new technologies, intellectual law is one of the most dynamically developing areas.
Elena Borisenko, Deputy Chair of the Board of Management, Gazprombank JSC, also noted the developed innovative environment of Tomsk:
- Tomsk and the University greatly contribute to the development of innovations and a technology park in Tomsk, which is amazing and unique, where amazing young people, who generate fantastic ideas and export them all over the world, work. We thought it was very important that such innovative business had the most advanced and adequate support for lawyers. Therefore, the Institute of Law must have such a center.
In the coming days, conference participants will discuss topical issues in patenting, legislative initiatives, copyright to protect innovations, protection of inventions in the pharmaceutical industry and new technologies: domain disputes, using AI to make court decisions, copyright, and protection of objects created by AI.