A TSU student tells about his internship at the University of Sussex

The University of Sussex has the International Junior Research Associate (IJRA) Scheme as a pioneering programme which aims to develop future research leaders from strategic international partners.
In 2015 TSU and the University of Sussex signed a memorandum of understanding and TSU became one of this partners.
This summer Mikhail Neverov, a TSU student of the Faculty of Informatics had an intership at the University of Sussex. Mikhail spent around two months in the United Kingdom, where he worked on theoretical machine learning under the supervision of Professor Thomas Nowotny and Dr. Esin Yavuz.
In this video he shares his experience and impressions.

The University of Sussex summer school presents about 20 various educational modules. Every year until February, students have the opportunity to apply for a grant and to study and represent Tomsk State University.