The tourism program "Tomsk: the Heart of Siberia", developed by the staff of the International Division, won the competition for student science tourism in Russia and Belarus. In the fall, students and professors fr om the Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) will learn about Tomsk and TSU; and TSU students will travel to Minsk, wh ere they will learn the history of BNTU and will visit manufacturing companies.
Representatives of International Division announced that students from Belarus will visit Tomsk in September, while the TSU delegation will visit Minsk in October.
Additionally, the forum "Travel!" was recently held at the international exhibition "Russia". State authorities, business, and students discussed the development of science tourism.
Representatives of the University’s Third Mission Research and Education Center presented on how the university implements science tourism, promotes science tourism in the region, and what prospects student tourism has.
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in collaboration with Autonomous Non-profit Organization National Priorities and Tomsk State University held a panel discussion "Traveling to Science: How to Develop Science Tourism". The issues discussed included the promotion of science tourism, the establishment and development of routes tailored to the characteristics of the region, and the expansion of tourism opportunities of universities. The experts noted the achievements already accomplished and identified issues that require special attention.

For reference. The program of science tourism was developed at the instruction of the President of Russia as part of the Decade of Science and Technology. It enables young people to learn how Russian science is developing, witness the achievements of scientists and developers, learn about different professions, and visit research laboratories.