Laptops are available at the library for students and staff

Twenty additional mobile workplaces have been set up at the TSU Research Library. The laptops are intended for students and teachers, for use within the walls of the Research Library. Half of the laptops were purchased using income from the TSU endowment capital, which is replenished, among other things, by voluntary donations from graduates, employees, and partners of the university.

TSU students and staff can get laptops for free in the Research Hall, the International Resource Center, and the Social Sciences and Psychology Reading Room, all of which will give out laptops for a day. Along with the standard office suite, the laptops come with Adobe Connect and Zoom.

- The University has started a new semester in a mixed format - and students and teachers have another opportunity to quickly join distance learning, complete study assignments, and work on their projects,- noted Artyom Vasiliev, director of the TSU Research Library. - The library has enough modern spaces for productive work both in groups and individually.

- The TSU Endowment promptly responded to the adjustments introduced by the pandemic in the educational process. Due to the income from the endowment, not only were laptops purchased, but also scholarships were financed for university volunteers who worked in the Regional Volunteer Headquarters helping the elderly and people with limited mobility, - says Maria Bulygina, director of the TSU Endowment Fund.

The TSU Endowment Fund helps to quickly respond to emerging changes and makes it possible to finance areas that are not included in the organization’s current budget. Now the target capital of TSU is 51 million rubles, and taking into account the revenue side, more than 1,100 people have made donations.