
Members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation visited TSU

The meetings, which were hosted by Tomsk State University, brought together Russian lawmakers, students, and professors. Discussions focused on updating the content of legal education, ensuring the country's technological sovereignty through advancements in chemical education, and promoting international cooperation in higher education.

Sergey Kabyshev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, met with university professors, students, and representatives from local authorities and businesses. The main topic of discussion was the modernization of legal education.

Sergey Kabyshev at the meeting

The first session included representatives from the Tomsk Region Prosecutor's Office, Investigative Committee Department, Tomsk Regional Court, Ministry of Justice, Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as companies such as SIBUR and Sibagro. They offered suggestions for improving the quality of higher legal education under the new model, which includes a fundamental educational core, project-based learning, and moral and patriotic education.

The second session focused on the potential of Tomsk as a chemical center of Russia and its role in ensuring the country's technological sovereignty. The expert speaker here was Alexander Mazhuga, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education.

Discussing the prospects of Tomsk as a chemical center of Russia

The third session featured Vladimir Sipyagin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, and TSU international students, including Artyom Rykun, TSU Vice-Rector for International Affairs. They discussed TSU's international cooperation with Eastern countries, particularly those in Southeast Asia, and the implementation of Russia's soft power in this region.

Meeting with international students

The participants also addressed practical issues such as enrollment, studying, research, and accommodation for international students in Russia and Tomsk. International students shared their ideas for improving and developing the educational environment to attract more students from abroad. Suggestions included increasing the number of Russian language classes and promoting student tourism.

Vladimir Sipyagin emphasized the importance of attracting international students to Russian universities, as President Vladimir Putin has set a goal to increase the number of international students from 350,000 to 500,000. Sipyagin stressed that TSU is doing a great job in promoting Russian education in different countries.

Artyom Rykun discussed the university's initiatives to promote Russian education, highlighting the success of TSU alumnus Turah Parthayana, a renowned video blogger in Indonesia. Parthayana shared his positive experiences studying at TSU and in Tomsk through his videos, which garnered significant attention from Indonesians towards the university.