Partnering with Apple will help students create mobile apps

Partnering with Apple will help students create mobile apps

TSU Higher IT School (HITs) has joined Apple’s iOS Developer University Program. This program is designed for universities that have iOS development courses in their curriculum. It provides access to resources for developers and help in using devices for testing applications developed. Students studying the development of mobile applications for iOS will be able to go through all the stages of their creation in practice, from the inception of an idea to publication in a store.

- The development of applications for iOS is a popular area of software development. IT companies are in dire need of graduates with uskills and experience in developing mobile applications. TSU is the first institution of higher education in Tomsk that graduates such specialists. Mobile development classes are held at the university iMac class using advanced practices and tools, -says Lidia Ivanova, a teacher at HITs and a TSU team coach.

At the moment, mobile phone users are already using the TSU.InTime application, which was developed by Denis Sharapov, a HITs second-year student. It makes it possible to find out the current schedule of any TSU group and to see if this or that audience is free at a particular moment. The development turned out to be very popular, because the number of downloads of this application in the first three weeks exceeded 2,000.

The training of specialists who develop mobile applications has been organized at TSU since 2016 with the support of the Tomsk office of the Russian company KODE. In 2018, TSU students won three prizes in the DigitalSkills championship finals, including first place in the Mobile Application Development competency.