The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation relaunches the Priority 2030 program with major focus on Russia’s technological leadership. Gazprombank, a strategic partner of the Ministry, ensures the analysis and technological expertise of the most promising and high-tech projects of the country’s leading universities.
As part of this initiative, 15 leading universities, including Tomsk State University, presented their projects to industry experts – representatives of business and development institutions. The approaches to project evaluation developed at the pitch session will be scaled for 140 universities within the Priority 2030.
Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Gazprombank JSC, addressed the participants at the opening ceremony. Besides, there were other guests and members of the expert jury, including among others Oksana Lut, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Anton Alikhanov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, representatives of major companies and Gazprombank experts.
– The universities are facing two global tasks. The first one is to train highly qualified personnel. Today we realize that we need to train engineers not only to meet the current demands of the economy, but also to look ahead into the future. The second task is to ensure Russia’s technological leadership. In this respect, the universities shall not only focus on training, but also on active development of applied and fundamental sciences, – said Valery Falkov.
Dmitry Zauers stated that the country is now facing great challenges related to technological leadership and technological entrepreneurship.
– As part of the relaunch of the Priority 2030, we aim to find a format of interaction in which the government, business and universities can understand each other, unite and develop a common approach to joint projects, – said Dmitry Zauers.

During the session, 15 Russian universities presented their breakthrough projects changing the technological and scientific landscape of the future. The level of projects was quite high. The universities are now concerned with the task to accelerate the transition of the results of previous research into technological innovations with high industrial potential and significant impact on society.

As part of Priority 2030, the universities develop and disseminate the best practices in research, innovation and education throughout the higher education system, increase the attractiveness of living and working in Russia, including for international students and researchers.
Thus, the discussions at the pitch session will result in a portfolio of technological projects for further support and search for financing by Gazprombank and partners. It is also planned to define project selection criteria, methods of technological expertise, formulate proposals for the operating model of such projects and financing instruments that will be used to evaluate all participants of the Priority 2030 (140 universities) in 2025.
Information and photos by Gazprombank