Radiophysicist creates a method to improve cellular communications

Radiophysicist creates a method to improve cellular communications

Dmitry Kokin, a graduate student at the TSU Faculty of Radiophysics, is developing a new method of signal processing. This method will improve the interference immunity and quality of cellular communications, and can also be used to create the next generation radio communication systems, 6G and 7G.

- An avalanche-like increase in subscribers is expected soon. Already 1 million gadgets per square km in the 5G standard are connected to the network. So in recent decades, there has been a steady tendency for the transition of radio communication systems to increasingly high-frequency and broadband signals. Their use provides an ever-increasing speed of information transfer, - said Dmitry Kokin. - I am considering one of the possible implementations of communication systems in the future.

As the radiophysicist explains, ordinary radio signals are sinusoidal oscillations that are modulated by bits of an informational message. Instead of a sinusoid, which has a narrow spectrum, the young scientist suggests modulating a random signal. In form, it will resemble white Gaussian noise, whose spectrum is much wider than that of traditional signals, and which has high interference immunity.

- Broadband signals with the proposed methods of coherent detection will provide both a high degree of information protection and the possibility of simultaneous operation of several subscribers in a common frequency band, that is, several subscribers will use the same frequency without influence on each other,- explained Dmitry Kokin. - According to preliminary estimates, this technique will enable simultaneous operation of up to 20 subscribers on the same frequency. Currently, none of the traditional high-speed communication systems can provide this.

In 2021, at the final stage of the project, Dmitry Kokin will conduct an experimental verification of his signal processing methods.