Telegram chatbot Stephen can answer to the questions about the library

Now Telegram chatbot Stephen can answer to your questions about our Research Library in English 

We remind that for the period of the remote format of the Research Library work, there is no room reservation for the group and individual work, and the Information Center 24/7 does not work.

The deadlines for the return of books are frozen until the end of the remote format of the Research Library. 

No fines are charged during this period. 

To return books before the end of the isolation period:

1. Go to your personal account and check all the books that you took.
2. At the entrance to the library, there are baskets for receiving books.
Here you can turn in all books from 9:00 to 15:00, except Saturday and Sunday.
Your return will be processed within two days.
If, after returning the books, the information that the book has not been returned is reflected in your personal account, write to