The markets of Russia and Asia are now the primary targets for projects developed by TSU and other Tomsk universities

In 2023, Tomsk Technology Transfer Center will be making provisions for the Tomsk universities to partner with Russian industry giants; its other focus is pushing homegrown innovation and technology toward the Asian market, stated the head of the TSU Department of Scientific, Engineering, and Technological Innovation, Mikhail Golovatov.

In 2021, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation allocated funds to create eighteen technology transfer centers throughout Russia, one of which is affiliated with TSU. Over four years, TSU will receive a total of 100 million rubles in order to promote homegrown innovation and technology jointly with other Russian universities and research institutes, as well as to create the necessary environment for Russian research workers to protect their intellectual property.

Tomsk Transfer Technology Center is part of the TSU structure, with its supreme management body being Tomsk Consortium—an assembly of the local research-and-education cluster representatives. According to preliminary estimates, by 2025 the Technology Transfer Center will have attracted more than one billion rubles to the regional budget in connection with the total income from research and development projects.

The head of the TSU Department of Scientific, Engineering, and Technological Innovation, Mikhail Golovatov

“In regard to international collaboration, by 2021 we were planning to push the Tomsk-made technologies to European and American partners; in 2022—and especially now, in 2023—our focus has shifted to the countries of Southeast and Central Asia. We have already pitched the areas of focus and technologies that the universities in Tomsk have to offer to delegations from Malaysia, China, and other countries,” said Mikhail Golovatov.

Golovatov added that in 2023 the general leitmotif of the Technology Transfer Center will be Russia's technological sovereignty. In addition, Technology Transfer Center participants anticipate working on new projects with the industry giants of Russia.

“The domestic enterprises are showing great interest in projects developed by Tomsk universities. The task at hand is to launch joint projects to develop heavy machinery and equipment,” concluded Golovatov.

Original text and photo by: RIA Tomsk