Tomsk State University has accepted a provision according to which the University will award the degree of PhD TSU. It is intended for those who have defended the Candidate's or Doctoral thesis at TSU or passed a graduate training here.
- The degree is awarded by Tomsk State University, so it must be performed at a high level, so that what is presented in the dissertation should qualify as a scientific work corresponding to the level of TSU scientific schools - said Victor Dyomin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
Awarding the PhD degree will improve the position of the University in the international space and will contribute to the process of internationalization of TSU scientists. This draft provision on the PhD degree has been developed based on the practical experience of leading international and Russian universities and public hearings held at Tomsk State University.
The Vice-Rector said that because TSU is just beginning the practice of awarding the PhD degree there will be refinement of the process and development of additional regulations. The University is already looking for a way to organize the process of agreement of the two procedures, the state final examination in postgraduate study and defense of the PhD thesis.
Those who wish to apply for the PhD degree from TSU should contact the Department of Dissertation Councils. You can get a consultation at the Department of Graduate School.