Tomsk universities have signed the Code of Ethics on Artificial Intelligence

During the international congress: Language, Culture and Technological Transits: New Facets of the Human Condition, held at Tomsk State University, 10 representatives of the scientific and educational community of Tomsk Oblast signed the Code of Ethics on Artificial Intelligence. The document will regulate the responsible attitude of Russian developers, people of science, business, and society in general to AI technology, as well as increase user trust in this technology. 

The Code of Ethics on Artificial Intelligence is designed for everyone who creates, implements, and uses artificial intelligence technologies. It is a set of guidelines and rules to prohibit unethical use of artificial intelligence and protect the rights and interests of everyone who interacts with it. By October 2022, the Code was signed by 113 Russian organizations interested in the development and regulation of artificial intelligence technologies. Among them are developer teams, the government, businesses, and the academic community. On October 24, 10 organizations of the Tomsk Oblast joined them: Tomsk State University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS, Tomsk National Research Medical Center SB RAS, companies SSP SOFT, Syncretis, and NTR Tomsk.


The Code of Ethics on AI being signed at TSU

“Joining the Code of Ethics on AI is in in line with the philosophy of the Big University. Additionally, now this initiative has transformed into the idea of creating a Siberian Sberbank AI Center, and with one of the developers of the Code, the managing director of the AI Regulatory Center of PJSC Sberbank, Andrey Neznamov and his team, we are discussing different areas of joint work,” said the Rector of TSU Eduard Galazhinskiy. “Today, the tendencies in the fields of new technologies and AI in our country are set by the largest players. And signing the Code of Ethics on AI would allow us to dive into this topic even deeper and understand where we can, by combining resources, launch projects to introduce artificial intelligence technologies into the life of Siberia.”

“Many people view artificial intelligence technologies as questionable: on the one hand, it is a powerful driver of development for all mankind, on the other, AI has some degree of autonomy in making decisions, and it is not always obvious how these decisions are made. Therefore, today we all have a big goal – to develop trust in AI technologies, and this is impossible without defining the rules for their ethical application,” said the manager of the Tomsk branch of PJSC Sberbank, Igor Chepenkov. “I am sure that the approved Code, in the development of which Sber actively participated, will be an important step in strengthening the confidence of our country's citizens in AI.”


Igor Chepenkov, Manager of the Tomsk branch of PJSC Sberbank

For reference: the Code of Ethics on Artificial Intelligence was developed by AI Alliance Russia. In 2021, during the international forum Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: the Beginning of Trust, the document was signed by the largest technology companies in Russia: Sber, Yandex, MTS, VK, Gazprom Neft, and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), leading companies and research organizations. 113 organizations were joined by 10 representatives of the scientific and educational community in Tomsk.