TSU and IPE will work on the development of the digital economy

TSU and IPE will work on the development of the digital economy

Tomsk State University and the Laboratory of Institutional Project Engineering (IPE) are beginning collaboration in the development of the digital economy and blockchain technologies.

- Digitalization is a world trend. Earlier, the transition from one socioeconomic structure to another has taken place over several decades, and generations have had time to adapt. Now there will be a jump in 10-15 years, in fact in one generation. This had never happened before. There's a lot of work here. And universities have the most important starting position - says Artur Pakhomov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the IPE Laboratory.

One of the areas of collaboration planned between TSU and the Laboratory of IPE is creating the blockchain technology academy, which will train specialists for the transition to a digital economy.

Also, the parties agreed on creating accelerating programmes, in which ideas aimed at solving the tasks of the digital economy development programme can take part.

- We called it an accelerator. In fact, this is a model for the implementation of some activities, which are given additional incentives. In this case, startups for us are a “machine” that allows us to convert knowledge into an industrial version of the idea. It does not matter whether this idea is actively worked out or is unprocessed, - notes Artur Pakhomov.

The Laboratory of Institutional Project Engineering specializes in researching and popularizing the ways of managing changes in social and economic activity through transforming investment (impact investing), using new technologies and project management methods aimed at achieving progressive development (institutional engineering). The application of institutional engineering makes it possible to move from managing production costs to the systematic removal of transaction costs.