TSU had its first graduates in biophotonics and biomedicine

TSU had its first graduates in biophotonics and biomedicine

TSU awarded diplomas to the first graduates of the autonomous master’s programs “Biophotonics” and “Innovations and Society: Science, Technology, and Medicine”, who studied in the StrAU Institute of Biomedicine. The main feature of these programs is their interdisciplinarity, which helps them to prepare research and management personnel at the interface of medicine, physics, and social sciences.

- The market analysis of specialists shows the increasing need by employers (research institutes and the real sector) for graduates of programs in biophotonics and biomedicine. And TSU is one of the leading universities that prepares just such a new type of professionals: managers of innovative departments of companies and government institutions, scientific and technological managers. Therefore, after completing the master’s program, graduates can be confident of their future, - noted Natalia Karpova, the manager of StrAU.

The first graduating class had 9 people: 4 specialists in biophotonics, all with honors, and 5 specialists in innovations in society, one of which is an honor student. During their studies, the master’s students learned how to manage projects in science, innovation, and health care and to conduct research and innovation work in areas related to the latest achievements of medicine, physics, biology, and chemistry.

The scientific work of the master’s programs was associated with optics, medical imaging, and market analysis. Vitaly Nevezhin (Biophotonics) investigated a non-invasive method for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction, Vyacheslav Zasedatel (Biophotonics) showed the promise of terahertz spectroscopy for diagnosing diabetes mellitus type 2 by evaporation from the skin surface.

During the two years of study, the master’s students completed internships in Tomsk companies, two trained at the University of Maastricht (Netherlands), two at the University of Oslo (Norway), one at the Medical University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), and another one at the University of Tromsø (Norway). In addition, Maxim Solovyov had an internship at the Japanese company Digital Garden Inc., which is engaged in the adaptation of a Russian product in the Japanese market. When he returned, he became the head of the international sales department of the Tomsk IT-company SibEDGE.

At the time of graduation, six master’s students were already employed in Tomsk innovative companies.

Graduates of any specialties, both humanities and engineering, can enter the StrAU Institute of Biomedicine. Training is conducted in Russian. The master’s students receive TSU diplomas, and for certain courses, certificates of the Siberian State Medical University and the University of Maastricht.