In September, Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights, a new research and educational center (REC) of TSU, began its work to train world-class specialists who are able to protect the intellectual property interests of clients. Students will learn how to enforce the legal protection of inventions, and learn the means of individualization and the rules of copyright compliance. TSU is one of the first universities in Russia to implement an educational program in this area.
The REC’s partner is Gazprombank, which is interested in highly qualified specialists in the protection of intellectual property.
- The need for highly qualified lawyers with special competence in intellectual property and copyright protection is great both in the whole country and especially in Siberia, the Urals, and the Far East, - said Azat Antonyan, director of the REC. - Now almost all scientific and educational centers in this area are concentrated in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. This does not meet the needs of the social and economic (including innovative) development of the Asian part of Russia and the development of international collaboration.
According to the director, advanced training and professional retraining in this area are of interest to engineers, IT specialists, and scientists.
Courses on intellectual property for bachelor’s and master’s students of the Institute of Law began this semester. Students are learning, among other things, legal regulation in the acquisition and protection of intellectual rights. For example, they will learn about the regulation of trade names and trademarks, copyright, and protection of inventions and other intellectual property.
In 2020, Azat Antonyan said, a Master’s program will open. Similar programs already exist in the Higher School of Economics and the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP). TSU will be the first Russian university beyond the Urals to train such specialists.
Currently, the recruitment for an advanced training program in intellectual property has been announced for practicing lawyers, patenting specialists, scientists, and other people interested in protecting intellectual property.
The strategic objective of the new REC is to become the leading global center for research in intellectual property and intellectual property protection. TSU lawyers are planning to prepare proposals for the improvement of the Russian civil legislation in the protection of intellectual property and copyright, to attract international and international partner companies. In December, TSU will hold a conference with the participation of leading international organizations dealing with these issues, including in the IT and pharmaceuticals areas.