
TSU Student Scientific Association is the best in the federal competition

Tomsk State University hosted the All-Russian Case Competition among Student Scientific Associations (SSA) uniting over 100 young researchers fr om all over Russia. The participants presented their experience in organizing scientific and educational events or best practices. According to the results of the competition, the TSU case was acknowledged the best among all Russian universities.

Student scientific associations from Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities took part in the competition. Young researchers shared their experience with the expert jury – doctors of science, acting business coaches, deans of faculties from different universities. The SSAs told about their experience of organizing scientific and educational forums, conferences and schools. Eleven teams were qualified for the final round held at Tomsk State University.

– A key factor of evolution is the exchange of experience between specialists their expert domains. It is particularly important for young researchers who get an opportunity to learn the best practices, projects, plans and current developments of their colleagues, – says Yulia Smetanova, Director of the TSU Youth Center. – This competition not simply a platform for information exchange, but an expert session wh ere leading specialists – deans, heads of departments and business representatives – could evaluate the successes of young scientists and provide their professional feedback.

According to the jury, the case of the Student Scientific Association of Tomsk State University was acknowledged the best. Students of the TSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics presented the Tomsk Math Forum.

The project is focused on the game approach to knowledge acquisition and interactive lecture format, which allows schoolchildren and junior students better understand complex mathematical topics.

– The competition identifies key trends and priorities in different regions, highlights critical problems that can be discussed in Tomsk region, and studies the best practices of other universities, – says Polina Somova, Chair of the TSU SSA. –This promotes the exchange of experience and collaboration between universities and provides an opportunity to implement joint projects. Once the competition is over, we plan to develop different scenarios of our project and expand the geography of collaboration. After all, the larger the scale of the project, the more people our student scientific associations will be able to help.

The All-Russian Case Competition of Student Scientific Associations was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the federal budget subsidy to educational organizations of higher education for the implementation of measures aimed at supporting SSAs.

Winners – TSU SSA, one of the best university teams