Scientists have invented radar to search for nonmetallic objects

Scientists have invented radar to search for nonmetallic objects

Scientists of SPhTI TSU have developed a georadar and a fundamentally new method of searching for nonmetallic objects in weakly conducting media. It is based on a unique method of signal processing whose authors are the TSU scientists. The method allows detecting objects from various materials - polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, fiberglass, and others, in any soils.

- Initially, the method was developed for subsurface sounding to find pipelines with fiber-optic cable - says Valery Donchenko, Deputy Director of the SPhTI. - The fact is that now the service life of an optical cable is 20-25 years. In Russia and CIS countries it has been used for over two decades, and accordingly, there is an increasing need to replace it. At the same time, many organizations are faced with the problem of determining the location of the pipeline, because there was no special marking during the construction.

Until recently, there were no effective methods and devices for finding structures without metal elements. SPhTI scientists were able to solve this technical problem. A group of researchers headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Georgy Parvatov created an original approach to the search for such objects and invented georadar. In fact, the group has created a new way of searching for objects that is based on measuring the dielectric constant of the substance, in this case measuring the dielectric constant of the soil and the object.

- During the ground scanning, the radar fixes the signal and processes it with the help of an algorithm developed by radiophysicists - says Valery Donchenko. - As a result, we receive a radio image that shows where the object of our interest is. The radar prototype has already successfully passed laboratory tests. It can be used to search for any nonmetallic objects, so the range of application of the new method is very wide.

The development of SPhTI can be useful to signalmen, communal workers, and other services that have underground communications.