TSU and South Korean scientists will develop new materials for implant

TSU physicists have strengthened alloys that can protect icebreakers
TSU physicists have strengthened alloys that can protect icebreakers

TSU physicists improved shape memory alloys for space and the Arctic

TSU has created the most durable porous material for bone replacement
TSU scientists have created the most durable porous material for bone replacement

Scientists laminated titanium implants to protect against corrosion
Scientists laminated titanium implants to protect against corrosion

Scientists will test titanium nickelide under extreme conditions

Radiophysicists are developing a portable blood glucose meter

TSU is creating a system for early detection of breast cancer
TSU is creating a system for early detection of breast cancer

TSU physicists work in the area for which the Nobel Prize was given

Radiophysicists will diagnose diseases using radio waves
Radiophysicists will diagnose diseases using radio waves

Scientists have invented radar to search for nonmetallic objects
Scientists have invented radar to search for nonmetallic objects

TSU is developing a methodology to monitor the quality of biosensors
TSU is developing a methodology to monitor the quality of biosensors