Science and life at TSU

17.03.2021 Vorozhtsov

The Year of Science is Our Year

This time we spoke to Professor Alexander Vorozhtsov, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Doctor of Physics and mathematics, about 2021 as the Year of Science and Technology.

Science and Life on the Volcano

Our today's story is a description of an incredible journey. This is a story about a real scientific expedition to the active Kudryavy volcano on the Iturup Island (Kuriles), which took place in September 2020.
Creative Cluster in the City of Youth

Creative Cluster in the City of Youth

Turbulent 2020 turned out to be fruitful not only for new challenges but also for extraordinary solutions and projects. It was during this difficult period that the first truly large-scale space for interaction between representatives of the creative industries appeared in Tomsk, a new creative cluster Penaty. Viktor Klimenko, director of the TSU Siberian Design Center, is an initiator and ideological inspirer of the project. 

In modern Russia, there is still no single institution that unites those who work in creative industries. The Siberian Design Center had a goal to establish an organization that could do that in the Tomsk береста.jpgregion. Over the past two years, 14 startups have been launched in the Center. This is how the model of a creative cluster was tested here, in Siberia.

From the global experience, we can see that creative industries are a tool for regional development. Therefore, the question about the purpose of establishing a creative cluster in Tomsk can be answered briefly: this is a local “point of growth”; it means money and jobs both for residents of Tomsk and the Tomsk region and for guests of the region.

"Penaty", quite obviously, will be able to contribute to the development of tourist potential, becoming an additional attraction and a place that guests of the city will want to visit. 

трое.jpgThe creative cluster also provides new opportunities for the universities in terms of organizing educational and research activities. 

For creative industries to develop, it is necessary to have some kind of "place of power" that would allow creatively oriented entrepreneurs to gather, communicate, and create common projects.  

Today, the place is already living an active life, despite the depressing external conditions: joint projects of the laboratories are being implemented and developed, photo sessions take place, and products of the birch bark workshop are being shipped to Europe.

The Editorial Board 


Tomsk is a City of Smart Youth

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises is the Russian innovation support fund that was established in 1994 and manages funding programs for applied and market oriented research with the aim of developing innovative and technology oriented enterprises and start-ups. It offers support for research consortia, teams and individuals.

The Fantastic Dream That We Are Living In

Many people believe that fundamental science exists apart from reality, requiring enormous resources and in no way affecting our daily life. The only place where the results of the work of scientists and the everyday life may intersect is science fiction movies, when “something goes wrong” and the hero needs to save the planet from disaster. The appearance of the Large Hadron Collider once raised questions too: will the search for a "God particle" lead to the end of the world? Humanity froze and ... breathed out a sigh of relief: the search for the Higgs boson did not provoke the appearance of a "black hole". But it also did not become a reason for revolutionary changes in people's lives. Or… did it?